16th Annibeatsary Premieres Friday, March 28.
16th Annibeatsary contains all the ingredients for a killer CKNYC episode from years past: hot vocal dance/house, occasional retro melodies, a little Madonna (duh), and a perfect mix every time! Available in 3 formats: Podcast audio & video visualizer (handreld devices), & YouTube HD Video Visualizer. Audio and video produced by Kerry John Poynter. Available on players worldwide. www.clubkerrynyc.com
Blue Collar Bros is a featured remixer with a mini Behind The Remix interview, his new remix of Burning Up is track 4 in the mix, and the Burning Up music video simultaneously premieres in the episode visualizer.
The DJ continuous mix also includes a premier remix by Brandon Vescovo (NYC) “Your Beauty’s Where You Find It”, with free download option in honor of the 35th anniversary of Vogue. The mix Includes other artists such as Empire of the Sun, DJ Maus, John Summit, Röyksopp, Bob Sinclair, Franky Wah, Salvatore Ganacci, Shouse, & Öwnboss .